14. Fitt WK, Gates RG, Hoegh-Guldberg O, Bythell J, Jatkar A, Grottoli AG, Gomez M, Fisher P, Franklin D, Lajuenesse T, Pantos O, Iglesias-Prieto R, Rodrigues LJ, Torregiani JM, van Woesik R, Lesser MP. (2009) Response of two species of Indo-Pacific corals, Porites cylindrica and Stylophora pistillata, to thermal stress: The host does matter in determining the tolerance of corals to bleaching. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 373: 102-110. PDF |
13. Palardy JE, Rodrigues LJ, Grottoli AG. (2008) The importance of zooplankton to the daily metabolic carbon requirements of healthy and bleached corals at two depths. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 367: 180-188. PDF |
12. Rodrigues LJ, Grottoli AG, Lesser MP (2008) Long-term changes in the chlorophyll fluorescence of bleached and recovering corals from Hawaii. Journal of Experimental Biology 211: 2502-2509. Link |
11. Rodrigues LJ, Grottoli AG, Pease TK. (2008) Lipid class composition of bleached and recovering Porites compressa Dana 1846 and Montipora capitata Dana 1846 corals from Hawaii. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 358: 136-143. PDF |
10. Rodrigues LJ, Grottoli AG (2007) Energy reserves and metabolism as indicators of coral recovery from bleaching. Limnology and Oceanography 52: 1874-1882. PDF |
9. Rodrigues LJ, Grottoli AG (2006) Lipids and chlorophyll in bleached and recovering Montipora capitata from Hawaii: An experimental approach. Proceedings of the 10th International Coral Reef Symposium, Okinawa, Japan. pp. 696-701. PDF |
8. Rodrigues LJ, Grottoli AG (2006) Calcification rate and the stable carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen isotopes in the skeleton, host tissue, and zooxanthellae of bleached and recovering Hawaiian corals. Geochimica et Cosmochimca Acta 70: 2781-2789. PDF |
7. Grottoli AG, Rodrigues LJ, Palardy JE (2006) Heterotrophic plasticity, energy reserves, and resilience in bleached corals. Nature 440:1186-1189. [The following statement appears in this paper: “The authors contributed equally to this work.”] PDF |
6. Grottoli AG, Rodrigues LJ, Matthews KA, Palardy JE, Gibb OT (2005) Pre-treatment effects on coral skeletal δ13C and δ18O. Chemical Geology 221: 225-242. PDF |
5. Grottoli AG, Rodrigues LJ, Juarez C (2004) Lipids and stable carbon isotopes in two species of Hawaiian corals, Montipora verrucosa and Porites compressa, following a bleaching event. Marine Biology 145:621-631. PDF |
4. Rodrigues LJ, Dunham DW, Johnson C (2002) Effect of size on intraspecific shell competition in the endemic Bermudian hermit crab, Calcinus verrilli. Crustaceana 75(8): 1015-1023. PDF |
3. Rodrigues LJ, Dunham DW, Coates KA (2002) The effects of shelter type on uropod symmetry in Calcinus verrilli. Journal of Crustacean Biology 22(2):298-303. PDF |
2. Rodrigues LJ, Dunham DW, Coates KA (2002) Gastropod shells or gastropod tubes? Shelter choice in the hermit crab Calcinus verrilli. In: Modern Approaches to the Study of Crustacea. Eds. Escobar-Briones E, Alvarez F. pp. 131-135. PDF |
1. Rodrigues LJ, Dunham DW, Coates KA (2000) Shelter preferences in the endemic Bermudian hermit crab Calcinus verrilli (Rathbun, 1901). Crustaceana 73: 737-750. PDF |